Category: Enterprise Manager 12c

Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c

Installing Oracle EM 12c agent on Windows manually

In this tutorial I will explain how to install the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c agent on Windows. The method via Cloud Control's website is not always intuitive and simple, since it requires an SSH client for Windows running on your server. 1) Verifying if the agent exists on OMS. To begin, open your Cloud Control …

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Howto rename managed target on Oracle EM 12c

During many months the only way that I found to rename a Managed Target on OEM Cloud Control was deleting and adding it again. However, there is another way as I will show you. This procedure was tested and validated on EMc So, if you choose to try at another version, make it at your …

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Howto setup a new database target on Oracle EM 12c Cloud Control

In this post, we will make Oracle EM 12c monitor a new target (in which case it will be a Oracle Database non-RAC). In this example, we are dealing with an Oracle 11gR2 single instance database running on a Linux x86_64. The steps to be performed are: Configure the Linux OS of the database to …

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Howto create a readonly user on 12c Cloud Control

In this post, we are demonstrating how to create a user that has view only permissions in Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c. The aim is to give it to any team or user that can check all monitorable objects, but can not make any changes to it. The focus is on performance analysis, monitor and availability. …

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