Category: OCM 11g Preparation

OCM 11g Preparation

OCM 11g Preparation - Configure archiving

Enabling archive in a RAC environment is a pretty easy task. Probably this is most focused and easier topic from the whole list. So here, all you will need is: Shutdown your database (all instances); Startup in mount one of them; Enable archivelog; Startup open the current one; Startup all the rest; It's much better …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Configure ASM for the shared disks and create a clustered database

We have seen in Create ASM Disk Groups and Implement ASM failure groups how to configure ASM for shared disks, but in my opinion, this topics wants you to go further in the disk level. It wants you to know how to: create a disk partition in a shared disk; oracleasm createdisk (one node) / oracleasm scandisks (other nodes) …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Install the Oracle Database 11gR2 software

So, this reminds me the first chapter. But, one thing that I've only noticed now is.. in the first skillset, it starts with "Create the Database". There is no "Install Oracle Database software" there. ^^ Here, what I recommend you to practice is: Install Oracle DB using GUI (preferable, of course). Install Oracle DB using CLI …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Start, stop, configure and administer Oracle Grid Infrastructure

Configure and administer Grid Infrastructure can be done using the 2 main provided tools: "crsctl" and "srvctl". srvctl start/stop -> Start/Stop the cluster services. srvctl realocate -> Move some service, like the scan listener. srvctl status -> Check if service is running. srvctl config -> Display configuration. srvctl modify -> Change configuration. crsctl start/stop crs -> Start/Stop everything. …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Implement ASM failure groups

Failure groups is a way to implement some kind of RAID protection in your diskgroups. Its very useful when you want to guarantee an extra protection and turn on hot swap of your disks without an extra cost of an storage system. Honestly, every company that I've worked avoided this protection as we had this …

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