June 2015 archive

OCM 11g Preparation - Implement Data Pump to and from remote databases

This topic basically wants us to know how to run expdp and impdp using the "network_link" parameter. This parameter is indeed very useful as this is the only way to: export from a remote database directly locally (like the legacy exp) without generating the file in the remote server and then SCPing. import directly from …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Implement Data Pump export and import jobs for data transfer

Data Pump is one of the most basic things, but it has so many parameters that can transform in a complex thing. Anyway, this utility is probably the most used tool for any DBA. So, try to focus during you training in the things that are not very common. Be good exporting at tablespace / schema / …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Administer external tables

Creating an external is not a easy task. Why? Because, at least for me, this is one of the most complexes Oracle syntaxes. So, the best approach for me in this topic is to go quickly in the documentation place of external tables and use a template. Practice a bit to be prepared for the …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Configure a schema to support a star transformation query

Star transformation can be really useful in DW environments, where you have your tables divide into dimensions and facts. And the most important, you need to have bitmap indexes! To implement it, you need to change the star_transformation_enabled for your user session and create the tables and indexes to play. Try to practice creating one fact …

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OCM 11g Preparation - Manage Transport of tablespaces across platforms

Transporting whole tablespaces is a very good and practical way to move data from one Database to another. Oracle will generate a small dump with the object's metadata and all you need to do is copy the datafiles and dumps to the new system. In this topic, practice: Check if Transport is possible with DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK …

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